My Role -

User Research, Storyboarding, Interface Design, Prototyping, UI Animation

Team -

Team Project | David Bauman, Mihir Sharma, Siddharth Camarushy

Timeline -

Jan-May 2024 (4 Months) | GM Sponsored Project

Tools -

Figma, FigJam, After Effects, Blender

Project Overview -

In the rapidly evolving urban landscape of Chongqing, China, the anticipated growth and complexity of city life by 2040 present significant challenges for urban dwellers, particularly photographers who rely on efficient mobility to capture the city's dynamic essence. Traditional transportation systems and infrastructure may become increasingly inadequate, limiting accessibility to diverse locations and impeding creative pursuits. There is a pressing need for innovative mobility solutions that cater to the specific demands of urban photographers, ensuring seamless navigation, enhanced safety, and greater convenience. This project seeks to address these issues by developing a Level 4 autonomous mobility experience that enhances the daily life and professional activities of photographers in Chongqing.

How can we design a Level 4 autonomous mobility experience tailored to the needs of urban photographers in Chongqing, China, for the year 2040?

For more details contact me at